MacBook Air/iPad Information-Grades 7-12
Please read the Technology Handbook before filling out and signing the forms below. These forms are required before a device will be issued.
Forms should be brought back to the school when you pick up your device.
GRADES 7-12 Students/parents may pick up their MacBook or iPad at the high school on the following dates:
Wednesday, August 21st 8:00 am - 1:00 pm Thursday, August 22nd 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm Wednesday, August 28th. 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm Distribution will be in the high school Cafeteria Commons
area by the NW Secure Entrance. MacBooks & iPads that were not picked up during distribution can be picked up in the Media Center on the first day of school, if the student has the necessary paperwork signed.
District Student MacBook Air/iPad Information for Grades 7-12:
The Aitkin High School will continue to utilize the MacBook Air/iPad computer technology in classrooms. Student in grades 7-8 will use iPads and grades 9-12 will use the MacBook Air computers. This gives students a wide range of versatility to continue to develop and expand their computer skills needed to research and magnify learning opportunities. All students will need to do the following
before picking up their computer 1) Read the "Technology Handbook" (available by clicking on the link to the left) 2) Turn in the completed and signed, “Parent Permission/Student Agreement Form” (one for each student) 3) Turn in the completed and signed "MacBook/iPad Insurance Policy" form (one per family per school) along with the insurance payment. If you are not purchasing insurance, the form still needs to be filled out and signed indicating that you are declining the insurance. 3) If applicable, pay any outstanding repair/replacement fees from previous years (check the Infinite Campus Parent Portal for fees owed). Devices will not be issued until payment or payment arrangements have been made. Forms and documentation are available by clicking on the links to the left. Students will not have a device issued to them without the necessary form(s) signed by parents AND students. Students will need to leave devices in the Media Center after school each day if there are outstanding fees on the student's account. |